Love is the Source of everything

I think it is so easy to get caught up in trying to rid yourself of states that don't seem God like.  But the truth is, all that is ever happening is God - the good, the bad and the ugly - it's all the Divine.  Trying to free yourself from the things you don't like is just an avoidance of being here fully.  There is nothing to run from - no matter how bad you might feel about yourself or the world - Love is the Source of all of it and you are only bound by the core belief that this shouldn't be happening.  When you relax into what simply Is, you begin to embrace what you don't like with love instead of working towards achieving some state of freedom that is only imagined by the mind.

Freedom is being right here, allowing all to simply be.  Threat dissolves and there is only Dancing with what Is.  This is where Infinite possibilties live and Love becomes your guiding force.


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