See who is dancing behind the mask

Everything is the Divine.  All of it.  If we turn away from the slightest of things, we are not embracing our fullness.  I have struggled over the past two years in a fight with my Guru.  My attention kept being pulled into how she did me wrong.  So much bad blood between us and feelings of betrayal.  I couldn't put it to rest for the life of me.  Then one morning, very spontaneously, I woke up and could not believe the perfection of the whole damn thing.  Still marveling - what a wonder, indeed!  Every single thing that happened between us was absolute perfection.  It couldn't have been any other way.

When we push away any part of us, whether it is something that we dislike in ourselves or in another, it creates the feeling of being separate. Any being that triggers you is just the Beloved with a mask on.  Don't turn away from it.  Invite whoever that one is that gets you to your core and let it shake you down.  That one has a tremendous gift to offer you.

Stay with the inquiry, no matter how hard it may feel. Fight the good fight - fight it out until it makes perfect sense.  Just like the Bhagavad Gita says.  You have to fight.  If your fight is honest and true, the Divine will always lead you to greater seeing and understanding.  It's inevitable.


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